Hawking the poltical spinners.
hitparade's Articles In Politics » Page 2
September 26, 2004 by hitparade
Everyone knows that the cool, calm and collected always win in a gun fight. Caesar would admonish his generals less haste and more speed. Cheap shots come easy. The day Mike Moore is put on the spot inevitably awaits. The storm crashes on all our shores. When it lands in his lap, I pray no children be in his presence. For a cowering fat man on the rampage is truly dangerous. 1000 dead soldiers pay testimony too that. May God, Mike Moore, have mercy on your soul because even those of us who wo...
September 29, 2004 by hitparade
The Kerry crew figured out that it's not the economy stupid. They have determined that their only chance for victory is too exploit Iraq. The Terrorist in Iraq understand that only by manipulating American public opinion can America be made too retreat. Hence, Kerry and the Terrorist share a common goal. Iraq in pandemonium. Observe the Kerry rhetoric too desperately heat up. As it increases, terrorist attacks against our soldiers invariably increase. The new level of low we're about to...
September 28, 2004 by hitparade
The liberal-left is disgraceful. Daily perpetuating a patent falsehood about Saddam's WMD. While it may be accurate to say that stock piles of WMD have not been found in Iraq; that is a far cry from saying Saddam did not posses such weapons, as the left disingenuously daily assert for political advantage. But at whose expense? Our soldiers ... all of us? Take Saddam's chemical weapons stockpile. The United Nations, among others, physically observed, took photos, videos, and inventor...
September 27, 2004 by hitparade
God! Many believe Ronald Reagan God sent to end communism. Reagan also appointed Justice Scalia to the United States Supreme Court. Scalia in turn picked Dubua and Bush I and Saddam go back. Hence, Bush II, it only follows, is God sent to fight the war on terror. Amen, Dubwa! Keep up the good work, General, Sir.
September 27, 2004 by hitparade
It's no big news for me to tell you about the different treatment the mainstream media extends the Bush and Kerry campaigns. Today's example: Terry Maculiffe, an obvious obsessive compulsive incapable of self-control, could no resist taking a cheap shot. When spinning low expectations for this Thursday’s debate, he said Bush performs extraordinary well in debates because he is often "dishonest." Had that same utterance come from Republicans, the media would be, like vultures, picking away. ...
September 27, 2004 by hitparade
Democrats are in a class of their own when it comes to the practice of inflammatory politics. Daily rhetoric deriding the President of The United States of America a liar, baby killer, draft dodger, etc.... The left criticize for its own sake. For example, during our romp to Baghdad, the media, the left in particular, jumped on the bandwagon that the troops were bogged down. Now, however, it is universally conceded that the "war" phase of Mission Iraq was unprecedented in the speed of its ex...
September 27, 2004 by hitparade
Kerry hightailed it out of Vietnam after only serving four (4) months. He exploited superficial wounds, abandoning his brothers in arms before the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Incidentally, Kerry does not have shrapnel in his rear. He has rice. Now he wants to hightail it out of Iraq. His instinct is too run. Ask the Swift Boat Vets, who observed him make a beeline for cover many a time, as others stayed behind and fought. The only mission Kerry will ever accomplish as President is retreat....
September 27, 2004 by hitparade
Some crew out of Massachusetts. The Senior Senator murdered Mary Joe. The Junior Senator a self-admitted war criminal. “I committed war crimes”. Issue writs of arrest! Ted Kennedy is white America's O.J. Kennedy got a pass out of some warped, misguided sentiment-- loyalty- to his slain brothers, John & Bobby. O.J. got a pass to redress historical wrongs. While O.J. is beyond jeopardy, Teddy is fair game. No statue of limitations attaches to murder. Mary Joe deserves peace. Where are th...
September 27, 2004 by hitparade
The term Mafioso is a ten-century-old Sicilian code of conduct in which a man is expected to act honorably. He must be brave & loyal. If Victimized or dishonored, a Mafioso must not turn to the State, which itself is inherently suspect, for justice/vengeance. This code of silence, even when egregiously wronged, is called omerta. The recourse instead is for the individual wronged too redress the transgression, too fix the problem with his own hands. This is known as vendetta. In the ...
October 23, 2004 by hitparade
Kerry speech excerpt. Bad breath is a problem progressively worsening in this Country. Under this President’s watch, it is at an all time high. (audience boos) I warned this President about this problem, but this President has refused to follow my dental plan. Elect me and I will cure the bad breath that this President has fostered for four years upon the American people. (cheers) Shamefully, this President has caused your children to have bad breath. (boos) It’s...
October 22, 2004 by hitparade
My sources tell me that Pres. Bush will visit the troops in Iraq on the eve of the election. He will salute & honor them. Win, loose or draw, the troops know the Pres. stood by them while others ran for political cover. I for one will not fight for kerry. How can he ask anyone to fight in the war in Iraq ? what he has characterized as the wrong war, etc... History will judge this creep, kerry, harshly. I already judge him unfit. How can anyone trust him. Not two months ago, he said it wo...
October 20, 2004 by hitparade
I am in Florida. I came here determined to make a difference. My initial goal was to personally deliver more than 500 votes to the polls in a mini-school bus I bought for just this purpose. I am pleased to report that I will far exceed the 500 mark. I have already transported more than 200 Bush supporters to the polls. Most were elderly, who live at my grandmother’s retirement home. I have also visited two similar communities. Before I finish on Election Day, I expect I will have perso...
October 14, 2004 by hitparade
I implore all right thinking Americans to make a difference. I am on my way to Florida, then Ohio, and, finally, back to Florida, where I will transport dozens upon dozens, to the polls. My personal goal is to deliver more than 500 Bush votes-- to physically drive them to the polls. I have purchased a school bus for this mission. Jump on board. Do the RIGHT thing! HONOR THE 911, THREE THOUSAND (3000). Civilization is at stake. The left in charge of the Country at this...
October 12, 2004 by hitparade
First, kerry says terrorism is a law enforcement problem. Scary. Now, he equates terrorism with the vices of prostitution and gambling; characterizing them as mere nuisance speaks volumes. Unfortunately, the volumes bespeak disaster. Gambling and prostitutions fall into the category of vice. As a former prosecutor, Kerry implicitly understands that. Those vices do not, I emphasize, do not, as an objective, seek to destroy, maim, and kill as many innocent people in a single stroke ...
October 11, 2004 by hitparade
Read it: http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/003/527uwabl.asp?pg=1 Of course, the secular and religious terrorists are connected. Bill Clinton knows... Praise the Lord for the President's courage to protect America from unholy murderers. 3000 dead are hardly a nuisance. Blaspheme. Shame. No wonder four polls have Bush breaking the 50% mark; a threshold neither side was able to reach. Remember Clinton was twice elected with less than 50% of the vote. Bush...