Hawking the poltical spinners.
Who's telling the truth
Published on October 30, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
kerry says we "outsourced" the job of capturing Bin Laden to "warlords." Again, kerry disparages allies. These so-called warlords saved my ass several times. kerry's revisionist histrionics as to what occurred at Tora Bora is flatly contradicted by General Tommy Franks. Who do you believe? Interestingly, both kerry & Bin Laden are offering America a fresh start; provided we Americans do not re-elect President Bush. kerry & Bin Laden seem to be making overtures... a new era of detente?

kerry is an arm chair general, who huffs & puffs, but who won't blow the house of terrorism down.
Bin Laden also ripped a page right out mike moore's 911 lie. He disparages & blames the Pres. for reading to children while the attacks were underway. He cites this as the cause for the 3,000 dead. Translation: It's America's fault that the buildings got in the way of the path of the planes mindset. You know, the blame America first crowd. Mr. Bin Laden, you bum, every one knows that the cool, calm & collected always win in a gun fight. I'd relish the opportunity of demonstrating this principle to you, or anyone of your minions. Caesar would admonish his generals: less haste, more speed. The piano wire will soon be wrapped around your ankles, Bin Laden. Get ready to enjoy the inverted view. As my ancestors fondly would say: Vendetta is a dish best served cold. Be seeing you real soon.

For a real kick on how to capture Bin Laden... check this out: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/diplomacy.shtml

on Oct 30, 2004
Bush is a President, with no military experience worth anyhting, turned his back on the advise of his top military leaders. The disaster we see every day in Iraq is a result of Bush failing to provide the needed manpower in Iraq. Bush has given our brave military a job without the required resources needed to accomplish the mission.
on Oct 30, 2004

Reply #1 By: COL Gene - 10/30/2004 7:18:59 AM
Bush is a President, with no military experience worth anyhting, turned his back on the advise of his top military leaders. The disaster we see every day in Iraq is a result of Bush failing to provide the needed manpower in Iraq. Bush has given our brave military a job without the required resources needed to accomplish the mission.

Kerry's ain't worth much either,
Sorry, but 4 months does not a leader make.