THE WAR IN IRAQ, ACCORDING TO KERRY WAS THE WRONG WAR, AT THE WRONG TIME, IN THE WRONG PLACE. HOW & WHY? NOT TOO LONG AGO KERRY said the opposite; that the removal of Saddam was essential to success in the war on terror; adding that any one who believed otherwise was not qualified to be President. How does one observing Kerry contradictions reconcile them? Why the change? Votes, opportunism. He’s a compulsive obsessive, liar, who sill self-implode as direct result of his clinical con...
Wind surfing is a sport requiring great skill. One must be adept at catching the wind. Kerry is skilled, indeed at catching the prevailing wind. Is that a leader, a trait, skill, conducive to leading the war on terror, protecting us? The answer is not blowing n the wind. It's grounded in the reality of the horror of 911. Only a fool, or opportunist believes Saddam would have not conspired with the terrorist. The proof is in the pudding. He already did. He invited Al-zarwaki, the butcher, ...
Now with the dust settling polls show Kerry the perceived winner of th first debate. Nonetheless, the polls show Bush still ahead by at least six points; one poll even has Bush up by 11 points. Kerry did win the debate if being an obnoxious liar is the decisive factor. But we all know Kerry the King of hyperbole. I spent Christmas in Cambodia. I met with world leaders, who want me the President of the U.S.A. Kerry achieved nothing of substance at the debates; he merely inflated t...
Blood money. What a country! Thanks to the left-wing nuts packed into that Zoo called Hollywood, a pig like Mike Moore "earns" a livelihood derived on slander, libel, distortions, half-truths, and out and out blatant lies. Mike Moore was to "earn" $35, 000 for a speech at George Mason University. Any of the monies go to the families of the soldiers he so shamelessly exploited? Dante wrote: "My son, the courteous Master said to me, all who die in the shadow of God's wrath converg...
Because Kerry pounded lie after lie against President Bush in sound bites, rather than wordy Senatorial ESE, he's now the man for the job? He has no moral compass. In one week, uno, I guarantee the polls show Bush decisively pull ahead. So get over it, Dems. … simply because Kerry pulled his long-winded foot out of his mouth, using simple and direct attacks doesn't change the irrevocable fact that he flips and flops. Don't you get it: Kerry believes the answer is blowing in the wind ... u...
35 dead Arab children, presumably Muslims ... killed by brother -- FATHER-- Muslims. God! What becomes of their souls? Some one from this religion educate me. What is not acceptable in the name of this Jihad? If they heartlessly slaughter their "own", what will they do to Christian children? We look to Russia and see the answer. The war has already begun. It started on 911. What are we Americans arguing over while our soldiers fight the enemy abroad? At this very moment, our solders sacrifice...
The 911 commission attributed lack of prescience, imagination, as a significant contributing factor in failing to stop 911. It doesn't take much prescience, imagination, to conclude that were Saddam still in power, he wouldn't be meeting for tea with the Queen of England. But would he be meeting, plotting, planning & scheming with Osama and company? YES! After 911, Saddam, while the U.N. stonewalled, waffled, and balked, gave safe-harbor to A - Zawkari, an Osama henchman killing human be...
The Kerry crew figured out that it's not the economy stupid. They have determined that their only chance for victory is too exploit Iraq. The Terrorist in Iraq understand that only by manipulating American public opinion can America be made too retreat. Hence, Kerry and the Terrorist share a common goal. Iraq in pandemonium. Observe the Kerry rhetoric too desperately heat up. As it increases, terrorist attacks against our soldiers invariably increase. The new level of low we're about to...
The liberal-left is disgraceful. Daily perpetuating a patent falsehood about Saddam's WMD. While it may be accurate to say that stock piles of WMD have not been found in Iraq; that is a far cry from saying Saddam did not posses such weapons, as the left disingenuously daily assert for political advantage. But at whose expense? Our soldiers ... all of us? Take Saddam's chemical weapons stockpile. The United Nations, among others, physically observed, took photos, videos, and inventor...
God! Many believe Ronald Reagan God sent to end communism. Reagan also appointed Justice Scalia to the United States Supreme Court. Scalia in turn picked Dubua and Bush I and Saddam go back. Hence, Bush II, it only follows, is God sent to fight the war on terror. Amen, Dubwa! Keep up the good work, General, Sir.
It's no big news for me to tell you about the different treatment the mainstream media extends the Bush and Kerry campaigns. Today's example: Terry Maculiffe, an obvious obsessive compulsive incapable of self-control, could no resist taking a cheap shot. When spinning low expectations for this Thursday’s debate, he said Bush performs extraordinary well in debates because he is often "dishonest." Had that same utterance come from Republicans, the media would be, like vultures, picking away. ...
Democrats are in a class of their own when it comes to the practice of inflammatory politics. Daily rhetoric deriding the President of The United States of America a liar, baby killer, draft dodger, etc.... The left criticize for its own sake. For example, during our romp to Baghdad, the media, the left in particular, jumped on the bandwagon that the troops were bogged down. Now, however, it is universally conceded that the "war" phase of Mission Iraq was unprecedented in the speed of its ex...
Kerry hightailed it out of Vietnam after only serving four (4) months. He exploited superficial wounds, abandoning his brothers in arms before the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Incidentally, Kerry does not have shrapnel in his rear. He has rice. Now he wants to hightail it out of Iraq. His instinct is too run. Ask the Swift Boat Vets, who observed him make a beeline for cover many a time, as others stayed behind and fought. The only mission Kerry will ever accomplish as President is retreat....
Some crew out of Massachusetts. The Senior Senator murdered Mary Joe. The Junior Senator a self-admitted war criminal. “I committed war crimes”. Issue writs of arrest! Ted Kennedy is white America's O.J. Kennedy got a pass out of some warped, misguided sentiment-- loyalty- to his slain brothers, John & Bobby. O.J. got a pass to redress historical wrongs. While O.J. is beyond jeopardy, Teddy is fair game. No statue of limitations attaches to murder. Mary Joe deserves peace. Where are th...
The term Mafioso is a ten-century-old Sicilian code of conduct in which a man is expected to act honorably. He must be brave & loyal. If Victimized or dishonored, a Mafioso must not turn to the State, which itself is inherently suspect, for justice/vengeance. This code of silence, even when egregiously wronged, is called omerta. The recourse instead is for the individual wronged too redress the transgression, too fix the problem with his own hands. This is known as vendetta. In the ...