Hawking the poltical spinners.
Published on October 1, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
Because Kerry pounded lie after lie against President Bush in sound bites, rather than wordy Senatorial ESE, he's now the man for the job? He has no moral compass. In one week, uno, I guarantee the polls show Bush decisively pull ahead.

So get over it, Dems. … simply because Kerry pulled his long-winded foot out of his mouth, using simple and direct attacks doesn't change the irrevocable fact that he flips and flops. Don't you get it: Kerry believes the answer is blowing in the wind ... until the wind changes direction. The truth shall set you free!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 01, 2004
While bush feels that the best thing to do is mumble and bumble and slouch over
on Oct 01, 2004
While bush feels that the best thing to do is mumble and bumble and slouch over


somehow i think you could find it in your heart to forgive Bush's posture and focus on the things that matter.
on Oct 01, 2004
If what Kerry presented last night inspires glee, he has the expectations of the Left cranked waaaaaay down. Granted, Bush's handlers screwed him over severely, I think, but it was about what Bush DIDN'T do, not what Kerry did.

Although for a bit I was excited by a Liberal report here at JU that Kerry had "licked Bush's ass", but alas, it was just a typo. I thought I had stepped from the room to get popcorn at the wrong time. Once can imagine even more confused looks from Bush...
on Oct 01, 2004
Bush looked befuddled and confused, but i have become accustomed to that over the past three and a half years. His handlers really dropped the ball last night.
on Oct 01, 2004
Hitparade, I suggest you do what you can to yank this post or let it sink slowly to the bottom of JU forums, you will be mighty embarressed next week. Just to show you I put my money where my mouth is, I challenge you to bump this forum up next Friday or do a repost and compare / contrast with the future circumstances. My post will be here, and I'm claiming no Bush bounce and Kerry ahead.

And yeah, Kerry has no moral compass, he's done all sorts of evil things, like...um..THAT WINDMILL THING! Yeah, that's it. Then, um, you know what he did? He went to Vietnam and then came back and BAD-MOUTHED it. Kerry is evil, evil, evil!
Let's see, what else do you guys have...? Weak.
on Oct 01, 2004
Were Kerry a responsible presidential candidate, he would not have opportunistically taken advantage of the handicap that all incumbent President’s face at a debate. While the reckless challenger can shoot off his mouth, the President must carefully and diligently guard each and every word he says. One wrong word can have grave consequences, especially in a time of war. Shame on Kerry.
on Oct 01, 2004
I agree. I put 10 dollars on Kerry. I'm not even concerned that you wouldn't be able to collect your money in the case that Bush wins, because thats not happening.
on Oct 01, 2004
Were Kerry a responsible presidential candidate, he would not have opportunistically taken advantage of the handicap that all incumbent President’s face at a debate

You're saying he can't attack the Bush admin. record? We can't talk about how screwed up things are? That is very telling on your behalf but I am sure you are just following the Bush administration's lead. What do you believe we should talk about at the Presidential debates?

While the reckless challenger can shoot off his mouth, the President must carefully and diligently guard each and every word he says.

Look, I may seem like a mean guy, but I really just adamently disagree with you. Bush touched on this last night when he said that we must send a clear message, but coming from Bush, a man who mangles nearly every message he attempts to deliver does not strike me as the competent executor that belongs in the White House.
on Oct 01, 2004

I know many soliders in Iraq, who flipped out when informed of Kerry's soundbite: "Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time." This is not responbile politcal discourse, especially when the source is a proven opportunist. This is not Ghandi making a moral stand. It's a billionaire who simply will anything to get elected.
on Oct 01, 2004
Were Kerry a responsible presidential candidate, he would not have opportunistically taken advantage of the handicap that all incumbent President’s face at a debate. While the reckless challenger can shoot off his mouth, the President must carefully and diligently guard each and every word he says.

Because in 2000, the reckless challenger (Bush) didn't opportunistically take advantage of the handicap that Gore (representing the incumbent's administration) faced at the debate?

In 1996, Dole didn't put Clinton's record up to task?
In 1992, Clinton didn't put the Bush record on debate?
In 1864, McClellan didn't criticize the Lincoln record?
In 1812, Clinton didn't attack Madison for fighting the war?

It's a fact of elections hitparade, the incumbent must defend his record against a challenger.
on Oct 01, 2004
Hitparade, I have met many soldiers coming home from Iraq to Whiteman Base here in MO. The soldiers and veterans have been coming in by the buttload to attain signs and volunteer to help the Democratic hq here in Warrensburg. These are the guys that are pissed about stop-loss and not happy about the time they have spent or are having to spend in Iraq. I have met two marines while knocking door to door doing voter registration that do not support Kerry. Their reasons for joining the Marines, when asked, however, where that they had friends die in Iraq and now it is payback time.

To vote for Bush, a guy who stuck us in Iraq without an exit plan and is now spending billions providing health care to Iraqis but not us, is irresponsible or ignorant. Which will you choose?
on Oct 01, 2004
To which "lies" are you referring?

Kerry's position on Iraq has never changed. If you had listened to the debate, instead of skipping ahead to talking about it, you would have heard this. Bush on the other hand failed to respond to around half the questions he was asked. He just kept repeating that Kerry had mixed messages and that Iraq was somehow part of the war on terror. Repeating something doesn't make it true. But it can persuade those who are too lazy to research the issues and facts on their own.
We as a country are facing a clear choice in this election. The foreign policy of the Bush administration has been disastrous for this nation; we have lost allies and gained enemies. We took the good sentiment and solidarity of most of the world after 9/11 and spit on it with our reckless and unnecessary invasion of Iraq. Domestically, Bush has managed to cut federal oversight of the energy industry resulting in untold environmental harm. In sixteen states it is now dangerous to eat ANY freshwater fish due to mercury contamination from coal fired power plants. It is not surprising that the coal industry donated over 50 million to the Bush election campaign in 2000. Bush has managed to take a record surplus and turn it into a debt so large that my children’s children will still be paying for it. Bush has lost more jobs in his four years than any president in 70 years. By any objective assessment of the state of our nation, Bush's record is at best poor and at worst negligent. I urge you to not view this race with an us against them mentality, but rather to look at the issues and decide for yourself if we can afford another four years like the last four.
on Oct 01, 2004
The only way anyone here would know things are supposedly "screwed up" is by listening to pundits on TV.
on Oct 01, 2004
The polls in Missouri suggest otherwise. In Hampton Roads, Virginia, the soldiers couldn't be more behind Bush and stridently anit-kerry. I have a nice picture of a few of us in one of Saddam's palaces in Baghdad. We were there when Kerry voted against the 87 billion for flap jackets, a delay that killed many. Why don't you be brave (and stand on principle) if you oppose the "Bush" agenda, then vote Nader. Does Kerry the Democrat truly reflect your value system? He says he won't budge from Iraq until victory. Since by his estimation Iraq is in pandemonium, then expect a long haul. Unless, of course, Kerry flips and flops. I got in some fishing by the way. The fish on the deck of a boat reminded of Kerry.
on Oct 01, 2004
I have met many soldiers coming home from Iraq to Whiteman Base here in MO. The soldiers and veterans have been coming in by the buttload to attain signs and volunteer to help the Democratic hq here in Warrensburg.

Then they must have deployed with a F**ked U* Unit. My job is to deploy and redeploy units here in NV. I have personally had members of my own section return and have returned three units from Iraq. Out of all the personnel, I only know of one person that was supporting Kerry. Personally I know this guy and Kerry can have him. The biggest talk from the last unit returning was that they were glad to be back in time for the elections in order to keep Kerry from being their Commander and Chief. They were worried that an absentee ballet would not be back in time.

My ear is in the middle of the military returnees. Of all the soldiers in this area, I could only count on one hand those people that have not declared that they would vote for Bush.

Maybe your area is different, but I get personnel from all over the US through my office. The sentiment is the same with all of the areas they are from.

That’s My Two Cents

Sorry Def, but that what I have seen.
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