Hawking the poltical spinners.
Published on September 30, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
35 dead Arab children, presumably Muslims ... killed by brother -- FATHER-- Muslims. God! What becomes of their souls? Some one from this religion educate me. What is not acceptable in the name of this Jihad? If they heartlessly slaughter their "own", what will they do to Christian children? We look to Russia and see the answer. The war has already begun. It started on 911. What are we Americans arguing over while our soldiers fight the enemy abroad? At this very moment, our solders sacrifice, and some undermine. Why? Are you that blind. Don't you see that our enemy will stop at nothing ... does anything ... kill women ... children ... hundreds .. thousands ... if given opportunity under Saddam ... millions. Protect your children. Americans, be brave ... much must come. The war has begun and there simply is no retreat.
on Sep 30, 2004
My guess would be that they would be considered martyrs too. Gives them an easy way to console the families and keep their murderers stomach's settled. My opinion is that any no-go zone in Iraq should be leveled like a parking lot.
on Sep 30, 2004
My guess would be that they would be considered martyrs too. Gives them an easy way to console the families and keep their murderers stomach's settled. My opinion is that any no-go zone in Iraq should be leveled like a parking lot.

I disagree. I think they are tolling their deathknell. They are desperate, and no longer care what their followers think. They are playing to a willing western media. The trouble is, most Iraqis dont read it. They are living it, and that is why they will fail. Those mothers and fathers are not Dan Rather. They know the truth, they dont have to invent it.
on Oct 31, 2004
What becomes of their souls? Some one from this religion educate me.
We can reasonably guess that the mainstream Muslim view of these victims is about the same as our view of McVeigh's victims.
on Oct 31, 2004
The war has already begun. It started on 911. What are we Americans arguing over while our soldiers fight the enemy abroad?

I would submit to you that the war on terror started with the U.S. embassy situation in Iran in 1979, we just didn't want to take it seriously until we got punched in the face on 9/11. I believe that the Presidents from Carter through Clinton dropped the ball to one degree or another. There have been terror attacks against us and our interests abroad for years, finally we have a President in office who is actually taking the fight to the enemy.
on Oct 31, 2004
yeah, and he is the one that everyone is screaming bloody murder about and forging documents to get rid of.....go figure