Hawking the poltical spinners.
Published on September 27, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
Democrats are in a class of their own when it comes to the practice of inflammatory politics. Daily rhetoric deriding the President of The United States of America a liar, baby killer, draft dodger, etc.... The left criticize for its own sake. For example, during our romp to Baghdad, the media, the left in particular, jumped on the bandwagon that the troops were bogged down. Now, however, it is universally conceded that the "war" phase of Mission Iraq was unprecedented in the speed of its execution. Hence, the reporting at the time daily painting a patent falsehood of the truth, which the left exploited to our troops detriment. The left were hoping for a 1000 or more dead back then.

Every day the left, Dean, Kerry, Kennedy and so on, call the president a liar. A liar. Every day ... democrat political operators are pulling out one dirty trick after another. Lie after lie. Distortion after distortion. Remember Radio City Music hall. This is political discourse? There simply are not any serious thinkers on the left, excepting, of course, Nader. And he knows about democrat dirty tricks! Ask him.

The left in this country literary employ practices of propaganda from right out of Hitler's mien kempf. Terry jumped on the CBS memo bandwagon with alarming speed; coordination? Terry has called the president a draft dodger. When did the Republican National Party engage in so disgraceful accusation about Kerry and Vietnam? Answer: Not once did the party jump on the swift boat controversy.

One must use greater force to over come force. Brutum fulem. Fight fire with even more fire. Equal or less force just doesn't cut it. Hence, Bush mush bash back and Kerry is a house of cards. Frankly, I'm amazed Kerry has managed too stay on his feet this long. Oh yeah, I forgot. With dirty tricksters like Dan Rather in Kerry’s corner even a bum like Kerry stands a chance.

Watch out for that strong wind at this Thursday night's debate. That house of cards: It's a bound to come crumbling down.

on Sep 27, 2004
Don't get me stared on Terry, the mainstream media bashed her left and right, CNN was asking for cold hard facts and all she could say was what would I gain from doing this? FAME, book sales, royalties. Sources tell me that a UFO is going to land in Times Square today at noon. I'm not saying so you can't hold me responsible if it doesn't happen. Who's the sources? NASA, SETI? Nope just an anonymous source that wishes to remain unidentified. I can make up stuff too and site sources. Feh.
on Sep 28, 2004
MGOSH, you're hilarious!
on Sep 28, 2004

Uh oh, we have been spotted by mgosh, time to get out of here.

- GX
on Sep 28, 2004
Good post by the way.

- GX
on Sep 28, 2004
You mean President Bush was DRAFTED into the Air National Guard? I was unaware of that, thanks.
You mean President Bush was telling the TRUTH when he said Saddam Hussein had ties to al-Qaeda? I was under the impression that it was the Kurds they were working with.

You mean calling a decorated war veteran an unpatriotic coward isn't inflammatory? I'll keep it in mind.

I agree with the bit about Nader, though, the Dems had given him the shaft.
on Sep 28, 2004
How is it "draft-dodging" to voluntarily join a branch of the military? I was under the impression that draft-dodging had to do with trying to avoid military service altogether.