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Hawking the poltical spinners.
Torture Revisited
Published on January 7, 2005 By
The following exchange on torture occurred on Aerodrome Forum after the capture of a high ranking al-Queda leader. It is obviously topical and offers a wide variety of views; all of which are interesting to say the least.
Torture Revisited
leo2 April 2002, 05:41 PM
Now that we have caught the Number Three Man in Al Queda,
the issue of whether or not to use torture is an allowable way of obtaining information on possible future terrorist attacks has again raised its head. I am still opposed.
Rick2 April 2002, 06:29 PM
True, true. But perhaps a little sodium-penathal!! Or do we allow the three Arab countrys that have sentenced him to death to send in their 'representatives' to do the questioning?? R.
Shooter2 April 2002, 07:46 PM
As much as I ascribe to the theory that there is better living through chemistry, I nevertheless have faith that the cherry-red blade of a Kabar had the ability to extract the most detailed of confessions. This is particularly true in the case of Muslims who are habitual cowards. In any case, they certainly deserve such treatment.
AND, if you cannot find anyone who knows how to superheat the blade of Kabar, I offer my own humble services.
Yes, I hate these people, and there is no known balm for this hatred, Does this consitute a hate crime? Only as long as there are Muslims.
I want them dead. I want them ALL dead. Nothing less will accomplish the mission. After the revelations of yesterday, those who are looking for other alternatives are seeking for the plexiglass navel that allows them to see with their heads firmly inserted in their anus . . . Craig, are you listening? No offense, dude.
Shooter sends
Xescrei2 April 2002, 10:08 PM
Torture its one of the worst way of human hate expression. Would you be tortured? sure not, thats the main reason why I´m not agree whith this terrible way of hate.
mike_baram3 April 2002, 06:05 AM
Remind me not to bump into you on one of your "bad" days.
Xescrei3 April 2002, 06:56 AM
Of course they are bastards, but the problem is who gone decide who has to be tortured? which are the rules to select the persons to be tortured? , don´t you think?
Also in Spain we have terrorist, E.T.A independentist movement, they had killed houndreds of inocent people, senators and parlamentaries, women and childrens, perhaps they need to be tortured, but i am afraid to give the power of decission to my governement, its a dangerous question, today can be only the terrorist but in the future could be...who? ??? ???
Andy_Fox3 April 2002, 07:41 AM
Menachim Begin. Gerry Adams, Martin McGuiness.Hmm!! Add the former President of South Africa to that list too? Terrorists all. I disagree with torture-sharia "law" doesn`t.
Barrett3 April 2002, 12:03 PM
Ref. the Navy SEAL who allegedly was executed by the Afghans after falling from his helo. The entire episode was filmed by a recon drone: he died fighting and was KIA. Small consolation to his family, I suppose, but them's the facts.
Dan_San_Abbott3 April 2002, 12:32 PM
I have a suggestion,
1. Soak a tree stump with gasoline,
2. Staple his testicles to the tree stump,
3. give him a very dull pocket knife with the blade closed,
4. set the stump on fire.
there is no torture if it is self inflicked.
Oh, for blue skies,
P.S. I listened to some anal orifice this morning on Fox News that does not think that Isreal should respond with force to the daily Palestinian bombing attacks. I wonder what the axxhole's attitude will be when the gas lines return and gas is $5 bucks a gallon. I also understand that this is not a religious war! I also believe in the tooth fairy.
mike_baram3 April 2002, 05:17 PM
If the Navy Seal hadn't fought back, how long does one speculate that he would have lived?
Does the phrase "a very brief instant" apply here?
WFS3 April 2002, 05:34 PM
Does the phrase "a very brief instant" apply here?
Mike, I have to diagree with you about that. I think that they would probably have made him suffer as long as they could before they slit his throat. It's horrible that brave man had to die, but at least he got to go out on his terms and not theirs.
leo5 April 2002, 04:36 AM
Amy, Dan-San and Shooter:
You guys are TOUGH!!
Richard_Schrader5 April 2002, 04:44 AM
nemo impune lacessit
Amy5 April 2002, 06:28 AM
If the terrorist won't talk, all that needs to be said is "it's time for the red-hot poker to the pecker." He'll start yapping before the fire gets started and not even one hair on his precious little head would have been harmed...
Kory_Clark5 April 2002, 06:36 AM
Amy...ever thought of a career with CIA?
mike_baram5 April 2002, 06:58 AM
Nah....Amy's future is with the IRS.
Richard_Schrader6 April 2002, 05:48 AM
You go girl! Just remember if they lie to you make an example of them to the other prisoners.
Richard Coeur de Leon
Shooter6 April 2002, 08:23 AM
*points at Amy*
Yeah...what she said!
Shooter sends
Dan_San_Abbott6 April 2002, 08:28 AM
You got it Amy! I think we should colaborate on the interrogation methods. We'll get the S.O.B. talking in short order. Afterwards, we can then kill him. I think he fell down the stairs........
Blue skies,
Richard_Schrader6 April 2002, 11:47 AM
You know if we lived in the Middle ages we would be PC
mike_baram7 April 2002, 05:20 AM
You know if we lived in the Middle ages we would be PC
To His Majesty, King Harold:
As chairman of the BCLU (British Civil Liberties Union) I object to this horrid example of racial profiling. Innocent people are being harrassed, stopped and questioned merely on the premise that they are Normans, or speak the Norman language. And the placing of armed guards on the coast is an
affront to the poor and needy undocumented visitors trying to reach our shores.
These actions must cease immediately, or we will be forced to bring a civil suit against His Majesty's government.
Yr. Obd't Svt,
Charles the Myopic
1 October, 1066 A.D.
leo8 April 2002, 05:54 PM
I will bet you that everyone now understands why I don't want to cross you.
Does anyone relly believe we will resort to torture for info gathering. I have some severe reservations.
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