Hawking the poltical spinners.
Courage & Honor
Published on October 22, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
My sources tell me that Pres. Bush will visit the troops in Iraq on the eve of the election. He will salute & honor them. Win, loose or draw, the troops know the Pres. stood by them while others ran for political cover.

I for one will not fight for kerry. How can he ask anyone to fight in the war in Iraq ? what he has characterized as the wrong war, etc... History will judge this creep, kerry, harshly. I already judge him unfit. How can anyone trust him. Not two months ago, he said it would have been grossly irresponsible not to have taken down Saddaam. After 911, kerry insisted on inextricably linking Saddaam to the war on terror. The double standard in the media permits kerry to flip & flop at will. Disgraceful.

P.S. The elderly folk in Florida remember the sin of nazi Germany, the scourge of Russian communism, and the horrific nihilism of Islamic terrorism. Grandpa& Grandma know the meaning of sacrifice. Watch Bush blow kerry, the bum, away among the touched by gray crowd.

on Oct 22, 2004
I for one will not fight for kerry.

Are you a soldier, hitparade?
on Oct 22, 2004
So you are willing to give people who shirk their duty in Vietnam a golden pass? The man who fought in Vietnam is abused, but those hwo failedus on September 11th, are helped in blaming others, so that no one has lost his or her job for allowing September 11th to take place. In a business, such as Martha Stewart's, even 62 year old women are jailed for "failing". I guess, some people are God's "chosen" and equality, jsutice and fairness are worth nothing. Yep---- we are best known by the company we keep. God bless the Earth!
on Oct 22, 2004
The double standard in the media permits kerry to flip & flop at will.
What the heck are you talking about? If one thing has come through in election coverage, it is that John Kerry changed his views. Honestly, is there anyone in America who has not heard that?

This bit about the left wing media being biased against us stuff gets a little old.

Of course, President Bush has also flipped a bit too. Seems like he ran for president on the platform of not getting involved in nation building, yet that is exactly what he is now spending American blood on. Come to think of it, THAT is the flip flop that does not get ink in the media.

On the other hand, I suspect you are right that Bush will do some big symbolic thing in the leadup to the election, something typical of his presidency, where he makes just the gesture to pull in the votes without ever hurting the people who actually perpetrated the 9/11 atrocity.
on Oct 22, 2004
Come to think of it, THAT is the flip flop that does not get ink in the media.

Probably because when Kerry did it, he did it for a couple votes. And if you are a reasonable person you can admit noone saw 9/11 coming... sorta changed his plan, dontcha think?

where he makes just the gesture to pull in the votes

umm did you not read the part about on the eve of the election? Oh yeah and did you hear about Kerry's hunting expedition? Talk about a ridiculous gesture, and hypocritical to boot.

hurting the people who actually perpetrated the 9/11 atrocity.

are you talking about the 75% we have caught or the other 25% living like animals in the mountains, too poor and starving to focus on anything but their own survival?

The man who fought in Vietnam

then returned home to trash on all the other vets and call them war criminals... his war record doesnt really help his campaign

for allowing September 11th to take place

Bush is stronger than Kerry when it comes to homeland security bub, get your facts straight.... as for the rest of your post, i cant understand it after it goes off on a rant about martha stewart allowing september 11th to take place
on Oct 22, 2004
This bit about the left wing media being biased against us stuff gets a little old.

is this before or after Dan Rather used forged documents in an attempt tp smear the President, and then would not appologize for the hoax after it was revealed?

Is this before or after Peter Jennings insinuated that Bush was a coward for not running back to the whitehouse after the Terrorists attacks, and instead stayed on AF1?

Is this before or after Molly Ivans, Maureen Dowd, The Little Pinch?

Geez, when did it exactly get old?
on Oct 22, 2004
are you talking about the 75%

The only people I've read who take this seriously are Republican lapdogs.

In the real world, we realize that al Qaeda is having a bang up recruiting fest.

on Oct 22, 2004
I think the best election eve surprise would be for Bush to jump out of a big cake wearing a g-string and give Dick Cheney a lap dance. I'll vote for him if he does that.
on Oct 22, 2004
I think the best election eve surprise would be for Bush to jump out of a big cake wearing a g-string and give Dick Cheney a lap dance. I'll vote for him if he does that.

Yeah baby!
on Oct 22, 2004
The only people I've read who take this seriously are Republican lapdogs.

In the real world, we realize that al Qaeda is having a bang up recruiting fest

Usually when you come at someone with a name like that, you tend to back it up with evidence... care to share?
on Oct 22, 2004
is this before or after Dan Rather used forged documents in an attempt tp smear the President, and then would not appologize for the hoax after it was revealed
An interesting example, you use. CBS was fed forged documents by someone. They were finally proven to be a hoax when the secretary of the supposed writer of the documents testified that the documents accurately portrayed the beliefs of the writer (regarding Bush's military service) but that the document itself was not real.

Now, there seemed two possible spins to the story:

Spin #1: We have now found someone very close to the actual events who testifies that the critics of Bush's military service are correct.
Spin #2: CBS has been snookered into into reporting on documents which were forgeries.

Both would be true. Spin #1 is more relevant to this election, spin #2 is more relevant to the future of our democracy.

However, by the time all was said and done, we had an astounding spin #3: CBS deliberately set up Bush, and thus any further discussion of Bush's military record was part of a conspiracy.

In the end, Bush was the beneficiary of this event, not the victim -- and the fact that the conservatives still use this as an example of their getting the worst of the media coverage shows just how distortive they are.

Back to my problem with hitparade piece, though... Anyone who complains that Kerry's flip flopping has gone unreported in the mainstream media just does not watch with their eyes and ears open.
on Oct 22, 2004
Bush being the beneficiary is strictly because a major source of anti-Bush bias got a big black eye as a result of their willing gullibility and steadfast refusal to open their eyes to just how incredibly easily fooled they'd been.

For me, the story went like this:

Day 1: We have these incriminating documents about Bush's military service!
public reaction: They're faked
Day 2: No they're not!
public reaction: Yes they are! What are you, effing blind or something?
Day 3-12: No they're not!
public reaction: Yes they are, you morons.
Day 13ish: They're real, and even if they are fake, we believe that their message is correct.
public reaction: Yeah sure, whatever.
Day 16ish: Okay, maybe they are fake, but we still believe their message.
Day 18ish: Our bad, they are fake. But that still doesn't invalidate their message.

Now maybe if Day 18 had occurred around Day 3 instead, things would have been different. But 2+ weeks of stubborn refusal to investigate their own story renders them completely non-credible.
on Oct 22, 2004
are you talking about the 75% we have caught or the other 25% living like animals in the mountains, too poor and starving to focus on anything but their own survival?

Reply #6 By: Myrrander - 10/22/2004 4:18:45 PM
are you talking about the 75%

The only people I've read who take this seriously are Republican lapdogs.

In the real world, we realize that al Qaeda is having a bang up recruiting fest.


Usually when you come at someone with a name like that, you tend to back it up with evidence... care to share?

An official with the recently disbanded 9/11 commission also dismissed the new number, noting that it was impossible to get a firm handle on precisely the number of Al Qaeda “leaders” that were in place at the time of the September 11 attacks—the definition that the CIA says it used as its baseline for the estimate.
“It was meaningless when they said two thirds and it’s meaningless when they said three fourths,” said the official, who asked not to be identified. “This sounds like it was pulled out of somebody’s orifice.”

Claim: Bush said 75 percent of known al Qaeda leaders have been brought to justice.

CNN Fact Check: Bush incorrectly suggests that on his watch 75 percent of al Qaeda's leadership has been brought to justice. CIA officials have estimated that 75 percent of the two dozen or so known al Qaeda leaders as of September 11, 2001, have been either killed or captured.
The estimate does not take into account post-September 11 activity, or new al Qaeda leaders who have taken the place of those killed or captured. The nonpartisan International Institute for Strategic Studies estimates that al Qaeda has about 18,000 potential operatives, but there is no official data on the size of al Qaeda's total membership, in part because it is difficult to track the number of new recruits since the Iraq war.

LONDON (Reuters) - War in Iraq has swollen the ranks of al Qaeda and galvanized the Islamic militant group's will, the International Institute for Strategic Studies said on Wednesday in its annual report.

on Oct 23, 2004
The other problem with the arguments about what has resulted in the growth of al Qaeda recruitment is that we'll never know whether 9/11 all by itself would have served the same purpose and you can bet the farm that the terrorists themselves will say that recruiting has been helped by the Afghanistan & Iraq wars - it's assinine to think otherwise as they will use any argument to get a leg up against those who would fight or challenge them. They know feeding the leftist mainstream media crap like that is effective, so they do it. The trap we fall into is thinking that all they are doing is trying to win in the court of public opinion - that's only a necessary step on the way to their ultimate objectives. And our media are being way too accommodating, if you ask me. The terror threat will not simply melt away if George Bush loses the election.

on Oct 23, 2004
The terror threat will not simply melt away if George Bush loses the election.
??? Anyone who would claim such a thing needs to change what they are smoking -- but I think you are just putting up a straw man argument.

Al Qaeda is a serious enemy, which is why I think it was so irresponsible for our administration to divert resources to fight someone else. Now, we are between a rock and a hard place. Whatever the home audience wants to believe, in truth we are putting up a display of American impotence and irrationalism for the world to see, putting up a demo of our inability to distinguish among Arabs for the Moslem world to see, and, in the meantime, we are in no position to concentrate on Al Qaeda. This will be the situation whether we elect Bush or Kerry.

The real choice is between a guy who just knows that this was the right thing to do and would presumably make a similar error again, if offered the chance, and a guy who comes across as indecisive but would probably learn from past mistakes. I can think of a whole bunch of American leaders I would prefer to either one of them -- but I will not vote for a man who cannot begin to see colossal error.