Which plan? The decisive question, assuming we all start from the premise that we are, indeed, at war with terrorist, is how to most efficaciously execute the said war. Bruce Lee opined that the best defense is a strong offense.
Well, Folks, the choice couldn't be clearer. The decision in this election boils down to whether we take the war to the terrorist under General Bush or retreat under Kerry. The war, mind you, that started, not with the invasion of Iraq, but on 911.
He doesn't get it! Mr. Kerry simply lives in the past; in a comfortable land of nostalgia called the '60s. Well, I too wish September 11, 2001 never happened. But Mr. Kerry the sharp reality is that 3,000 humans were slaughtered on 911. God rest their souls.
Mr. Kerry's fantasy Island where all goods thing happen, French assistance in our retreat from Iraq, e.g., because he's elected is simply the arrogance of an out of touch billionaire's audacity. I shudder to think what the world would, indeed, be like were Kerry elected. The consequences of which are simply too grave for me too cotemplate. OFFENSE OR DEFENSE? BUSH OR KERRY?