The following was forwarded to me:
The line of business my wife works in requires her going out to dinner with prospective clients. The overwhelming majority of these people are politically liberal. If the client's spouse is to be present, the company policy encourages its employees to be escorted by their signifcant other whenever possible.
The first few times I approached the situation with the attitude that for the wife's sake, I'd gut it out. But after a few times out, I resolved that I would actually enjoy these nights out with the wife- the mixed company notwithstanding- so I adapted a roll with the punches strategy.
Well, last night the wife and I dined out with a prospective client and his boyfriend. The client - I shit you not- was a dead ringer for Michael Moore. I mean a dead ringer.... At any rate, there came a point when I had to hit the head, so I excused myself from the table and made a beeline for the men's room. Michael Moore said he had to go too.
Michael Moore then plopped a squat in the stall next to mine and he had to... Now let me just say something first: I am not bashful when it comes to taking a dump in public toilets... so minutes later, there I am pinching a trident-size-loaf... I mean I dropped an A-bomb and boy did it ever stink; so much so that this Michael Moore look alike started gagging. And boy did the sound of his gagging make me laugh but good. In the spirit of keeping things light- for the wife's sake- I asked this Michael Moore look alike if regretted leaving his gas mask at home. Well, he laughed and gagged some more. Accordingly, I advised him- man to man- to fire back.
He timidly laughed and told me that he could not fire back because he only had to tinkle, to do a number one. Then, suddenly, all at once it hit me, why Michael Moore is the way he is: This is a guy who has to squat to take a piss. You see ladies, standing at a urinal to take a piss… is uniquely a man thing.
The psychology of a fat man (who has to squat to take a piss) finally explains it all...