Hawking the poltical spinners.
Published on December 21, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
The following article was inspired by a recent posting about arrogant americans:

There is nothing new in old Europe viewing Americans as arrogant. Europe has a long history of doing so, and I, as an American, wholeheartedly agree that we Americans are indeed an arrogant bunch-- even to a fault: i.e., every American who died on foreign soil in defense of the liberty and freedoms of some other fella, who was a complete stranger no less, might be considered by some a fault.

It was indeed an arrogant thing when the founding fathers of America challenged the old order of Europe, and declared the ideal of individual liberty, born out of the rugged wilderness of the new world. Yes, it was indeed an arrogant thing of Americans to declare independence from the colonial rule of England, and promulgate that We Americans “hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal….” Yes, t was indeed an arrogant thing when the great American patriot, Patrick Henry, declared in March, 1775, in The War Inevitable, that: “ I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Yes, it is indeed true that We Americans are an arrogant bunch. So I ask the world: in light of all of America’s conceded arrogance, is the world indeed a better thing-- place?

Being merely of this earth, I don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know that for me America is a noble thing indeed. So while I will plead guilty to being born in a Nation of arrogant men& women, I will not ever concede that we are selfish with our arrogance. Just go ask the living relatives of 19,000 arrogant Americans who died in Europe’s war at the battle of the bulge, and every other American who has arrogantly died for some other guy he doesn’t even know. It is not we Americans who are arrogant, but our ideals that are arrogant. Freedom is not only an arrogant thing, but is also a noble thing indeed. I for one am so very grateful that the consciousness that I am was born here in America. My only regret about being born an American is that I only wish I was born 125 plus years earlier when the West was still wild, and rugged individualism carried the day.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 06, 2005
The arrogant American is in reality the US governments flagerant disregard for the soverinity of other nations. The American government thinks it has the right to tell other nations what they can and cannot do, while at the same time doing anything it wants to. It holds other nations responsible for human rights abuses and tells the world that it can torture people in its so called war on terror. It can invade a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11. I think that is called arrogance.
Another factor is the people who in their ignorance chear on the torture, who chear on the the invasion the killing and the murder sanctioned by the US government. These people tell other nations citizens that as they are americans, it is their opinions alone that matters and if the others don't like it, to get of the internet, which as we are all supposed to know - is an american invention.

--Not so...

-- When i last visited Europe (germany), i received a fairly warm welcome...although public opinion has probably changed since the war and other things... I have several pen pals from various places in the world, and they are awesome...they arn't like what some amaericans think...
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