Hawking the poltical spinners.
Published on September 28, 2004 By hitparade In Politics
The liberal-left is disgraceful. Daily perpetuating a patent falsehood about Saddam's WMD.

While it may be accurate to say that stock piles of WMD have not been found in Iraq; that is a far cry from saying Saddam did not posses such weapons, as the left disingenuously daily assert for political advantage. But at whose expense? Our soldiers ... all of us?

Take Saddam's chemical weapons stockpile. The United Nations, among others, physically observed, took photos, videos, and inventory of Saddam's chemical stock pile. A condition of the peace treaty was Saaddam's unconditional compliance in destroying all such weapons. For over a decade he brazenly defied the world on this score. But then again, why wouldn't he? He understood the true nature of U.N. backbone: SPINELESS.

Was the war not justified becasue we did not find any WMDs, or becasue Saddam did not have them? The burden is on the left to put up or shut up. Where are the WMDs? If Saddam unilaterally destroyed them, then he would have demonstrated so to the world. He would have been hailed by the left, who at that time were daily blasting away at the embargo (at Bush the baby killer, who snatches the milk from out of Iraqi children’s mouths), as a leopard capable of changing his spots. But he didn't demonstrate to the world that he had destroyed the weapons because he simply hid and scurried them out of country. C'mon fool me once shame on you. A slpa on the wrist. But fool me twice, well... You know. And sometimes once is enough! WHY do the liberal-left act like Saddam's unpaid henchman, spreading propaganda that is patently false. His lawyers in court will at least get paid for lying on his behalf. The left is paid in another way, I guess. A weak America, subject to more 911s. Bums!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 30, 2004
It's amazing how people remember reading this article or that opinion but are unwilling to actually believe the prime minister of the UK when he now admits that WMD did not exist. This is especially true when proving that they existed is very much in his interests.

on Sep 30, 2004
To let everyone know a little preview of some information I recovered from some intelligence buddies of mine (videos, photos and such), I will give you all a little preview of what I know and will be posting later on this forum.

Basically, from general UN videos (and private ones) that I have seen of the weapons inspectors going into Iraq during the mid and late 90's to see what they were doing, I stumbled over something that was quite interesting in the video that isn't necessarily publicized to everyone who wants to know about it.

From what is known from public sources and UN sources (which is really hard to find, and curious as to why) there is video of UN weapons inspectors being blocked by Iraqi Guards for a base and limiting the UN camera crew to document something... That something was a large flatbed truck with driving away from the base really fast...

If you see what’s under the tarp (if you freeze frame it, cause its short footage) it looks like some cylinders and rods... But what could this be?...

The United Nations determined it to be a Baghdadtron also known as an improved Calutron... It's purpose it to make enriched uranium for nuclear weapons. The Iraqis copied if from the Americans after the Americans published the plans publicly, thinking no country could afford it nor would they try to.

A Baghdadtron is a clear violation of UN resolution signed after the Gulf War.

But you may ask "Where is it now?..."

But you should really ask yourself this question first... "How many are there?"

The Iraqi's had several years of experience of moving weapons and hiding them, that includes making multiple systems to insure the delivery of a weapon, that’s if they could afford it.
Ever hear of the phrase "Why have one, when you can make for twice the price?"

I know that there were at least two Baghdadtron’s owned by Saddam, the question is "Where did they go?..."

This is also a scary thing... I know of some soldiers that literally were fight Egyptians, Syrians and among several other countries, that had official patches and documentation to prove they were official soldiers of their government... Even one soldier was quoted on CNN for saying this.

So, they were buddies with the Syrians, Egyptians and other countries, what does that mean exactly?...

Well, you can find out later on the board, so keep looking!

Some people, especially that are on the left side, may criticize me and thats perfectly fine...

But keep this in mind, why don’t you think of the criticizer who goes back and forth on saying it is his opinion and then stating these are facts...
I have credible sources and I wont say they are unimpeachable and will not state their names until it is okay for them to say so, since they are on active duty on special assignments and some are currently on missions. As some reporters say "It is my journalistic integrity not to reveal my source." I will provide additional facts that have sources that can back up the statements made, instead of just opinions. So please, give me the benefit of the doubt first before critiquing my material, when keeping in mind if you were to do the same with your opinion as I would not do.

Like I said, there is more to come pertaining to this topic.
on Sep 30, 2004
I am sure there is more to come on this topic and thank you for sharing your personal experience on this.

The question of where this capability hardware that was clearly seen in pre 1998 videos has gone is a good one. The assumption made before the war was that Saddam was hiding it. This assumption has now been shown to be false. Whether it was destroyed in 1998 bombing (the inspectors believe that much of saddams remaining ilelgal caches were destroyed by Clinton), whether Iraqis stripped them to sell the parts for money, whether Saddam hass hidden them so well that they still haven;t been found or whether they were shipped out of the country are all good questions. Only time will tell what happened to this stuff (and it may even always remain a mystery), what is clear is that Saddam didn't have it in 2003.

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